"Zombie" MAD*l by Aretwo Deetwo
Spotted last night over at ToysRevil was this really cool custom "Zombie" MAD*l by Tim W. aka Aretwo Deetwo. I have seen this platform turned into a Zombie a number of times, but something about this version really struck a chord. I love how the flat arms along the body were removed and replaced with actual reaching out arms... I also dig the muted colors and the cartoony like presence, making this a really fun custom! Tim says "It's just a hobby for me, it's that tick in my brain that makes me need to make things, paintings sculptures etc.", and I have to say keep it up man, because it's looking really good. If interested in purchasing this you can contact Tim directly via his email deltron77@yahoo.com... give him a good home, but keep him at a distance... he may try for your brains :-)
Credits [Photograph taken by 'Furtive Photography']
Credits [Photograph taken by 'Furtive Photography']
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