KARUZO - New prototype figure from Walter Jacott and Frank Mysterio
Socket Boy and Bulboy created by Walter Jacott is going well right now... as you know Socket Boy is not 100% finished but will soon be... meanwhile Walter has has his hands on another project...this time with fellow Mexican artist Frank Mysterio (Who is a customizing machine!!!) to create an new figure named KARUZO.
Above are some pics of the actual model and a promotional poster of Karuzo, and as you can see they are still in the developmental stages! They are working on some final details that have not convinced them as of yet (asymmetrical parts of the body). This is a really cool looking platform with alot of promise, and I look forward to seeing more pictures of this as they come in! The shape reminds me of the Gosho doll, and I can totally see Frank Mysterio's Lucha style translate over to this extremely well, and I can't wait to see this get customized!
Above are some pics of the actual model and a promotional poster of Karuzo, and as you can see they are still in the developmental stages! They are working on some final details that have not convinced them as of yet (asymmetrical parts of the body). This is a really cool looking platform with alot of promise, and I look forward to seeing more pictures of this as they come in! The shape reminds me of the Gosho doll, and I can totally see Frank Mysterio's Lucha style translate over to this extremely well, and I can't wait to see this get customized!
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